Be part of our vibrant community at BMB USA Inc.
The Executive Members of BMB USA Inc. represent the driving force behind our organization’s mission of fostering community growth and support. Comprised of dedicated individuals with a shared commitment to empowerment, our Executive Members lead with passion and integrity. From strategic planning to event coordination, each member brings unique expertise and perspective, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of our community. With unwavering dedication, they champion inclusivity and collaboration, ensuring that every initiative we undertake is guided by our core values of compassion and solidarity. Together, our Executive Members embody the spirit of leadership and service, inspiring others to join us in creating positive change and building a brighter future for all.
মো: এম এ বারী (বাদল) MD. M A Bari (Bathol)
President Phone: +1(347)339-7721
মো: শাহনেওয়াজ জামান (শান্ত) Md. Shahnewaz Zaman (Shanto)
General Secretary Phone: +1(917)561-6554
মশিউর রহমান (স্বপন) Moshiur Rahman (Shopon)
Sr. Vice President Phone: +1(917)500-5286
মোঃ আজিজুল হক Md. Azizul Haque
Associate Vice President-I Phone: +1(929)283-2847
Md. Alauddin মো: আলাউদ্দিন
Associate Vice President-II Phone: +1(347)299-2519
খোরশেদ আলম (বিপ্লব) Kurshed Alam (Biplob)
Associate Vice President-II Phone: +1(347)299-2519
শামস আহমেদ (শুব্র) Shams Ahmed (Shubro)
Joint General Secretary Phone: +1(347)759-4120
সাইয়েদ ওয়াহিদউল্লাহ Sayed wahidullah
Associate General Secretary-I Phone: +1(347)761-6188
মো: মোজাম্মেল হক Md. Muzzammel Haque
Associate General Secretary-II Phone: +1(646)512-8067
নিলোৎপল সরকার (ধ্রুব) Nilutpal sarker Drubo
Associate General Secretary-III Phone: +1(917)774-5871
নূর ফয়সাল (মনি) Nur Fasial (Moni)
Treasurer Phone: +1(646)824-0777
মো: মাছুদুর রহমান (শাহীন) Md. Masudur Rahman
Associate Treasurer Phone: +1(347)261-0562
মিজানুর রহমান (মুরাদ) Mizanur Rahman (Murad)
Organizing Secretary Phone: +1(929)365-4633
পল্লব সরকার Pallob Sarker
Associate Organizing Secretary Phone: +1(609)553-8953
মোঃ শামীম হোসেন Md. Shamim Hossain
Publicity Secretary Phone: +1(929)331-5906
মো: আব্দুল হালিম Md Abdul Halim
Social Welfare Secretary Phone: +1(718)673-7882
ডাক্তার ফাতিম Dr. Fatim
Education Secretary Phone: +1(332)260-8749
মহীবুর রহমান (জুয়েল) Mohibur Rahman Jewel
Religion Secretary Phone: +1(646)944-6988
আকরাম হোসেন Akram Hossian
Office Secretary Phone: +1(206)571-8676
এম এ মৌলি M A Mouli
Female Secretary Phone: +1(347)851-0458
মো: হারুন আল মমিন (সুমন) Md Harun AL Momin (Sumon)
Information and Technology Secretary Phone: +1(631)245-2819
ফকরুল ইসলাম (অনন্ত) Fukrul Islam (Ananto)
Literary and cultural Secretary Phone: +1(347)247-7341
মো: রবিউল হাসান Md. Rabiul Hasan
Associate Literary and cultural Secretary Phone: +1(646)321-0810
ইব্রাহিম রাকিব (বাবু) Ibrahim Rakib (Babu)
Sports Secretary Phone: +1(929)589-6511
মোবাশ্বীর আহম্মেদ (রূপন) Mubashir Ahmed (Rupon)
Associate Sports Secretary Phone: +1(347)280-8506
মোঃ জাহাঙ্গীর আলম Md Jahangir Alam
Entertainment Secretary Phone: +1(347)479-9816
মাহবুবুল আলম (খসরু) Mahbubul Alam Kosru
Honorable Member Phone: +1(929)235-2368
মো: রুহুল আমিন জুয়েল Md: Ruhul Amin Jewel
Member Phone: +1(347)984-7247
মো: মাহবুবুর রহমান Md: Mahbubur Rahman
Member Phone: +1(917)403-1595
নির্মল দে Nirmol Day
Member Phone: +1(347)744-4245
কামরুল হাসান মামুন Kamrul Hasan (Mamun)
Member Phone: +1(718)219-3686
মো: সামছুল আলম Md Samsul Alam
Member Phone: +1(929)386-3856
কাজী এনাম Kazi Enam
Member Phone: +1(410)845-6493
কে এইচ মেহেদী হাসান (নাহিদ) KH Meahdi Hasan (Nahid)
Member Phone: +1(347)257-7070
ফয়সাল মজুমদার Faisal Majumder
Member Phone: +1(929)422-3257
জসিম মিয়া Josim Meeaa
Member Phone: +1(347)653-4802
মোঃ আনিসুর রহমান (সুহাগ) Md Anisur Rhaman (Shuhag)
Member Phone: +1(631)408-2559
জয়ন্ত দে Joyonto De
Member Phone: +1(646)229-1173
মো: আনোয়ার হোসেন (তোফা) Anwar Hossain (Tofa)
Member Phone: +1(646)750-7317
মো: মিহাদুজ্জামান খান ( মিজান) Md. Mihaduzzaman Khan (Mizan)
Member Phone: +1(631)429-1431
এ টি এম নোমান ATM Numan
Member Phone: +1(347)261-5802
মো: ফয়সাল আজাদ Md. Faisal Azad
Member Phone: +1(347)301-5810